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Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Mgt. Practice in NH

Good Forestry in the Granite State: Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire provides landowners and the professionals who work with them practical recommendations and information on a wide variety of forest resources.

Integrated Landscaping: Following Nature's Lead

Lavishly illustrated, Integrated Landscaping: Following Nature's Lead features original photos, drawings, and sketches on almost every page to provide clear examples of the concepts presented. The book also incorporates 12 plant-system models that help landscapers and gardeners apply the concepts of layering and visualize how plants can work together in a variety of different low- and high-stress settings.

Landscaping at the Water's Edge: An Ecological Approach A Manual for NH Landowners and Landscapers

Landscaping at the Water’s Edge is a manual for NH landowners and landscapers that covers the concepts and practices of ecological design for water quality protection in lakes, rivers, streams and coastal areas. Whether you are a property owner or a landscape professional, the decisions you make affect the water quality and health of New Hampshire's environment. An ecological approach to your landscape will enhance the beauty and functionality of your surroundings.

The Best Plants for NH Gardens and Landscapes

The Best Plants for New Hampshire Gardens and Landscapes - How to Choose Annuals, Perennials, Small Trees & Shrubs to Thrive in Your Garden uses the concept of habitat gardening to help gardeners and landscapers choose and care for plants in our unique New Hampshire environment.

The History and Economics of the NH Dairy Industry

If you need a gift for an agricultural person, consider The History and Economics of the New Hampshire Dairy Industry (2007), edited by John Porter of UNH Cooperative Extension with the help of 10 other notable agricultural writers from New Hampshire.